A Month in Morocco

Travel, Uncategorized

It feels so surreal to finally write in my very own blog! I’ve wanted to do this as a passion project for quite some time and with the launch of my website, I thought what better time than now!

I’m introducing my blog with a post about the month I spent in Morocco a little while back. I feel as though this trip says a lot about who I am, what ignites my soul, and what I strive to do with my photography.

In August of 2018 I embarked on a solo adventure to Morocco. Women in Morocco suffer disproportionately from poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment which affects their social environment and in turn their children’s education. Additionally, an exceedingly large percentage of Moroccan children and teenagers are not given the chance to acquire marketable job skills. I felt called to volunteer in Morocco and wanted so badly to use the skills I acquired from working in a business setting for 5 years to do some good in the world. I also knew it was unlike anywhere I had ever been before, and my creative soul was craving to photograph this beautiful place and its people.

I volunteered in Morocco through the International Volunteer Headquarters and taught a group of 10-15 women for 3 weeks. The material ranged from basic English to learning how to prepare for university by practicing interview skills.

Teaching at the women’s center in Rabat, Morocco

I stayed in a humble home in the middle of the Rabat souk (a marketplace for locals to purchase anything from fish to clothes). My host family was comprised of two sisters, and to this day I still remember them and their warm hospitality regularly. They prepared the most amazing food every single day for my roommate and I, and truly made us feel at home.

On my weekends off, I visited Fez, Marrakesh, Chefchaouen, and the Sahara Desert. Every city had it’s own unique characteristics, and everywhere I looked there was something completely new to me. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, and to be honest, now that I’m writing about it I realize there are certain feelings and moments that are hard to put into words.

From the bustling spice markets in Marrakesh with drummers adorning colorful clothing at every corner, to the maze that was the Fez tannery where leather goods are made, to the serene mountain tops of beautiful blue Chefchaouen, to the glistening sands of the Sahara desert – Morocco was nothing short of magic.

I still remember stepping out of the Rabat airport and feeling a sense of peace. Although Morocco can at times be attributed with a chaotic nature given the thriving souks, none of that ever took away from the fact that Morocco is truly a gem. I can’t wait to go back some day, but until then, I’ll be reliving my time there through my photographs. I’m an open book when it comes to my travel experience in Morocco and would love to answer any questions you may have.

If you’ve made it up to this point, thank you so much! I’m thrilled to be on this journey and look forward to having you follow along.



Jan 13, 2021

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